Hint 3 Finished!

I finished hint 3 of the Secret of the Stole KAL. This is turning into a lovely piece of lace fabric. Knitting hint 3 was much more fun and went much faster now that I am using my new Addi Lace needles.
I also took a little tutorial from Nautical Knitter’s blog on how to take pictures of your knitting. So once I figured out how to turn off the flash on my digital camera — I got a really nice picture of the stole that shows the beads! Cool! If you are interested in this tutorial go to http://www.nauticalknitter.com/.
Pictures of the stole through Hint 3 are below. I need to go start knitting on Hint 4 — it came out this morning and I’m itching to get started….

2 thoughts on “Hint 3 Finished!”

  1. Lindy,

    That is a great photo of the beaded section. It is so hard to get a good photo of beads in knitting. Your stole looks wonderful. Hint #4 is a breeze so you will be finished in no time!

  2. Thanks, DK. I’m getting better with the pictures as I experiment. Appreciate the helpful hints.


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Secret of the Stole KALSecret of the Stole KAL

I am participating in the Secret of the Stole KAL. This is my first experience doing a Knit A Long. Joined this on a whim and I am really enjoying myself.

I decided to use the KAL as a way of motivating me to get past a mental block I had about using laceweight yarn and using it to knit lace. My very first attempt to knit this very fine yarn was frustrating and I finally gave up the attempt and chose to use another “friendlier” yarn for the lace shawl project I wanted to do for my sister. This shawl is now done except for weaving in the ends and doing the blocking — so I will post a picture of it when it’s done drying. It turned out well…BUT that laceweight yarn I had purchased for the project originally just sat in my stash waiting for me to try again.

So, I started the KAL with a committment to make that ball of laceweight yarn into a lace stole. It took me three attempts to cast on and get started before I got a feel for knitting the yarn. I was successful in completing the first hint on time. Then I started on Hint 2 last Friday — I found myself “tinking” several times during the evening. Fortunately, I was able to knit back and correct the errors each time before I’d gone too far along — but anytime you are doing that the knitting is neither fun nor relaxing. So, Saturday I splurged on Addi Lace circular needles at my LYS and switched from my Addi Turbos to the lace needles. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! The points are sharper — which makes the decreases so much easier. And the needles have more grip on them — so no more slipping off of stitches inadvertantly.

Lesson learned from this? Your needles do make a difference — so if you are having trouble knitting something, ask yourself if a different type of needle might be worth a try.

The stole is a design of the KAL owner and it is knitting up into a lovely lace pattern. It has another first for me in that the pattern includes adding beads as you knit. The beads don’t really show up well in the pictures I have, but they are really good looking as part of the overall design.

Here are pictures of my stole so far:

Hint 1: Using Skacel Merino Laceweight Yarn,

US Size 3 Addi Turbo Needles and Ivory beads, size 8.

Hint 2:

Hint 3 came out this morning, so I need to start knitting. I’ll add pictures as I finish each hint.

Secret of the Stole – Hint 6 finishedSecret of the Stole – Hint 6 finished

Finished hint 6 a little behind schedule. This was a busy week with lots of activities and I didn’t have as much time to knit as I have the last 5 weeks. So — I stayed up later last night to finish the last few rows. Then I started making mistakes and decided to get up early this morning to finish rather than keep messing things up due to fatigue.

Got up at 5:00 AM and tinked back about half a row on the last pattern row. I think I fixed the problem — but I may have added my own personal “design element” in doing so.

The stole is turning out beautifully. Since it now too long to get a good picture of — I am now just taking shots of the newest section.
Here’s the latest picture:

Secret of the Stole Finished!Secret of the Stole Finished!

I finished the stole on Monday evening. I blocked it Tuesday evening, but did not have a chance to take photos until this morning. The finished fabric is very light and airy and I am very proud of my first laceweight knit stole. The stole measures 18 inches wide by 74 inches long. It is just the right size to wrap around one’s shoulders.
Many thanks to DK, the Nautical Knitter for the wonderful design and the KAL. I have greatly enjoyed participating in this project and I learned a great deal.

Here’s a close-up of the last section of this stole:
This section of the design is quite elaborate and complex — lots of yarn overs and decreases.