Lindy's Knits & Laces General Comments Updating Blog & Website

Updating Blog & Website

Just finished importing my previous blog posts from Blogger.  As part of my updating my website, I decided to switch to using WordPress via my hosting site, rather than have my readers go to the Blogger site to read my blog.  WordPress provides me with more functions and features to better manage my blog.

I hope you like the new look for the blog and the updates to the website.  The website will always be a work in progress — much like my knitting projects.  Just spent quite a bit of time choosing a new color scheme and I am still figuring out how to modify my blog to match, so look for the color scheme to change.

One of the ongoing maintenance items for any website is the task of keeping links current.  Links, particularly to individual knitting websites and blogs, seem to change frequently.  It is always sad to discover that a site that I really liked and recommended on my website is no longer available.  I found that I had several “dead” links when I went to check them.  In some cases, I was able to find the updated link — in others, there is nothing to link to anymore.

The latter is the case with the site.  This site was really very nice when it was up and running.  However, the owners of this site are no longer focusing on knitting and have moved into a completely different direction.  Thus — no more  I wish the owners well in their new endeavors — I will miss the content they offered.

If anyone reading this has suggestions for knitting related blogs that I can include in my links, please comment to this post and include the link.  Thanks!

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First PostFirst Post

Just set up this blog. I am new to blogging. I have read about blogs, read blogs — but never blogged myself. Decided it was time to give this a try.

I plan to use this blog to recreate the website I had several years ago. The website was “Lindy’s Knits and Laces” and I took it down because we bought a new house and in the process of moving from one house to the other — we changed internet providers. I just never seemed to have time to work through setting the website up with the new provider. So while I have wanted to re-establish the website, I didn’t get to it and about 3 years have past since I took it down. In the meantime — blogs came into being and with the typical speed of internet innovations — really took hold.

As I thought about re-establishing my website, I began to realize that I needed to look into this “blog” thing. It seems that this is a “must” if you want to be connected through the web. So — I have now made my preliminary move into the blogosphere.

I’d appreciate constructive feedback as I work on getting this blog established.

OMG – I was hacked!OMG – I was hacked!

I haven’t posted for several weeks because I was busy transferring files from my old computer to my new one.  You know — it takes awhile whenever you switch computers.

So yesterday morning I was at a point where I thought I should post something new to my blog — and when I attempted to login and do so — I got a really nasty surprise.  When I typed in my url — what came up was this very blunt warning message that my site had suspicious activity and was now considered a dangerous site.  OMG — I’d been hacked! 😮

And that ominous warning page wasn’t going to let me get anywhere near my login page.  A bit of a problem, since one of the things I needed to do was go in and change passwords and update WordPress.  So I started by notifying my Webhost that I had been hacked.  I use IX Web Hosting and I have to tell you their response was great!  By this morning, they had located the malware and removed it from my site.  I was not expecting this because everything I had read about how to clean up your site after a malware attack indicated that I would have to do this myself.  Thanks, IX Web Hosting!

So then the challenge was to get Google to remove its warning page — and to do that you have to go to Google Webmaster tools and request that they re-review your site.  It took an hour or so — but then my site starting coming up without that dire warning.  Whew!

I’m still having issues with Firefox on my new computer — it pulls up the warning page every time I try to access this site, but Internet Explorer and Safari are fine.  I can access the site using Firefox on my old computer — so it has to be something with Firefox on my new computer.

In the meantime — if this ever happens to you, dear reader, go immediately to Google Webmaster Tools — it will tell you what the problem is.  Then go to your Webhost and alert them to the hack.  May this advice never have to be used…

Snow in OctoberSnow in October

It’s October 10th! And it’s snowing — yes, I said snowing. It’s not unusual for Nebraska to get weird weather from time to time — but SNOW in October? Really? Here’s a couple of shots taken from my deck on the back of my house:

10-10-2009 Snow

10-10-2009 Snow

10-10-2009 Snow 2

10-10-2009 Snow 2

Weather report is for freezing temps all weekend and possibly more snow on Monday. Then, typically, we’ll be back to more autumn-like temps and weather. Let’s see — which knitting project to work on first?