Lindy's Knits & Laces General Comments,NKCG Nebraska Knit & Crochet Guild

Nebraska Knit & Crochet Guild

I recently joined the Nebraska Knit & Crochet Guild. It is a wonderful group of knitters and crocheters who meet at various locations in Omaha, Nebraska about three times per week. I have attended six “meet ups” so far and have found the women in the guild to be very friendly, supportive and willing to share their expertise with any and all.

It is a delightful experience to be able to meet up with a group of women who share my love for both knitting and crocheting. And the social interaction adds a wonderful new dimension to my pleasure at participating in these crafts. It does, however, pose some challenges as I find it difficult to concentrate on my knitting while busily chatting away with the other women around the table.

The Guild meets Wednesdays at Whole Foods from 5:00 – 8:00 PM. Saturdays at Willa Cather Library from 1:00 – 4:00 PM and at Panera on 78th Street on Sundays from 4:00 – 6:00 PM. I have been going to the Wednesday and Sunday meet ups. Saturdays are just too busy for me, so I probably won’t do any Saturday meetings.

Many of the Guild members are on Ravelry – so this is a good way to communicate with them. There is also a Yahoo group and I now get email updates periodically. If you are in the Omaha, Nebraska metro area and are interested, here’s a link:

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Happy EasterHappy Easter

It’s spring! We’ve had a cool start to spring this year. But the bushes and the trees are now budding and the grass is beginning to turn green. The threat of snow has gone and now we only have rain and thunderstorms in our forecast. Daytime temperatures are now between 55 and 60.

I wish for everyone to have a Happy Easter this Sunday. I will be enjoying dinner with my family and giving a prayer of thanks for the blessing of being able to do so.

My YouTube ChannelMy YouTube Channel

I am now a YouTuber. I have started making short videos on knitting techniques. My YouTube channel is Knitting with Linda. You can find it here: @knittingwithlinda_omaha

I recently started teaching classes for beginning knitters at my local yarn shop here in Omaha, Nebraska. So far, I have held two “Learn to Knit -Part 1: Getting Started” classes that covered the basics of casting on, the knit stitch, the purl stitch and the standard bind-off. To provide my learners with a visual set of references that they could access through YouTube, I created several video demonstrations of each of those basic techniques. I included videos on using the Continental Method and the English Method for knitting and purling. If you’d like to take a look at them, here’s a link to my “Learn to Knit” playlist:

If you find these videos useful, please give them a “Like”.

In January, I will be offering new sessions of “Learn to Knit – Part 2: Next Steps” which will cover two types of increases, two types of decreases, how to fix a dropped stitch and how to weave in ends. I will be adding videos on each of these topics to accompany the in-person class and these will then be available to anyone on YouTube. If you subscribe to my channel, you can receive notifications when they are available.

I plan to continue adding videos on various knitting techniques throughout the year. If you have a suggestion for a technique you’d like to have demonstrated, please leave me a comment. Thank you.

Snow in OctoberSnow in October

It’s October 10th! And it’s snowing — yes, I said snowing. It’s not unusual for Nebraska to get weird weather from time to time — but SNOW in October? Really? Here’s a couple of shots taken from my deck on the back of my house:

10-10-2009 Snow

10-10-2009 Snow

10-10-2009 Snow 2

10-10-2009 Snow 2

Weather report is for freezing temps all weekend and possibly more snow on Monday. Then, typically, we’ll be back to more autumn-like temps and weather. Let’s see — which knitting project to work on first?