First pair of SFS Socks Finished!

Yesterday, I finished my first pair of regulation socks for Socks for Soldiers, including weaving in the ends.

These are very long socks! I now have them washed and they are currently drying in the dryer. I need to run to the store and pick up a few extra “goodies” to put in the package and write my letter to the soldier who will receive the socks. Then, I should be ready to package everything up and send it off to Sarge at SFS.

Here’s a picture of the finished socks:

2 thoughts on “First pair of SFS Socks Finished!”

  1. Wow! Those feet look huge compared to the leg! I bet the solidier will love having hand knit socks! I’m glad you got them finished!

  2. If I unwrapped a present from a kind person who sent me a gift without even knowing me, I’d be absolutely knocked out to receive these hand knit beauties.

    Thank you Ms. LindyKnits. If the soldier who gets your present can’t write to thank you himself, let me thank you for him.

    Come to think of it, I hope the soldier is a ‘himself’ and not a ‘herself’; a woman might have a hard time filling out these socks. Oh! Even worse to be a woman with feet so large that manly socks were the only ones that would fit her gargatuan tootsies! That would be awful, wouldn’t it?

    Oh dear me! Now you have me thinking. No telling where this will end.

    (I do love your socks, though. That remains.)

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