Lindy's Knits & Laces General Comments Aftermath of the Snowstorm

Aftermath of the Snowstorm

I thought I’d post some pictures of all the snow we received over Tuesday and Wednesday. We really did not get completely dug out until Thursday — after the snowplow finally made its way into our subdivision.

This drift was on our front step — interestingly shaped by the high winds — it was about 24 inches deep. The shot is looking down the steps.

Here is DH snowblowing the driveway — yes, the drift covers our knockout rose bushes — and is a good 30 to 36 inches deep. (Those lights are 12 inches high) The drift went all the way across our driveway.

We had to dig out our blow up Santa Claus figure. He actually looks great with all the snow around him when inflated.

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Half the Sky — A Must Read BookHalf the Sky — A Must Read Book

I just finished reading Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. This is a must read book for anyone who is concerned about the lack of equality for women worldwide, as well as lack of decent health care and education for women and children throughout the developing countries of our world.

The book is very factual, yet filled with actual stories about real people and how they have been able to overcome extreme hardship with some small amount of help — in the form of microloans or sponsorships for education. There are stories that will make you weep and stories that will make you smile — but they all show a better way for those of us who have much more to help those who don’t.

The authors will challenge your thinking about large government funded aid programs and the role our government(s) should play in the developing countries of the world — especially Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. They make a very strong case for approaching problems on a more personal and direct way.

Check out the book and check out the website: — it’s worth a look.

OMG – I was hacked!OMG – I was hacked!

I haven’t posted for several weeks because I was busy transferring files from my old computer to my new one.  You know — it takes awhile whenever you switch computers.

So yesterday morning I was at a point where I thought I should post something new to my blog — and when I attempted to login and do so — I got a really nasty surprise.  When I typed in my url — what came up was this very blunt warning message that my site had suspicious activity and was now considered a dangerous site.  OMG — I’d been hacked! 😮

And that ominous warning page wasn’t going to let me get anywhere near my login page.  A bit of a problem, since one of the things I needed to do was go in and change passwords and update WordPress.  So I started by notifying my Webhost that I had been hacked.  I use IX Web Hosting and I have to tell you their response was great!  By this morning, they had located the malware and removed it from my site.  I was not expecting this because everything I had read about how to clean up your site after a malware attack indicated that I would have to do this myself.  Thanks, IX Web Hosting!

So then the challenge was to get Google to remove its warning page — and to do that you have to go to Google Webmaster tools and request that they re-review your site.  It took an hour or so — but then my site starting coming up without that dire warning.  Whew!

I’m still having issues with Firefox on my new computer — it pulls up the warning page every time I try to access this site, but Internet Explorer and Safari are fine.  I can access the site using Firefox on my old computer — so it has to be something with Firefox on my new computer.

In the meantime — if this ever happens to you, dear reader, go immediately to Google Webmaster Tools — it will tell you what the problem is.  Then go to your Webhost and alert them to the hack.  May this advice never have to be used…

Some observations while waiting in line the day after Thanksgiving.Some observations while waiting in line the day after Thanksgiving.

I went to the fabric store yesterday. I didn’t go because there was a super sale going on. (There was, but I wasn’t aware that it was.) I went to buy buttons. Just buttons.

So when I went to check-out with my single-minded purchase, I was directed to the Express Line (5 items or less. Returns & Exchanges). Now the store was packed with eager shoppers getting great bargains on fabric, notions, Christmas items — you name it. They were having a great sale. The store’s staff was well-organized. They had set up a number system to handle the many shoppers needing fabric cut and it seemed to be working efficiently. They had enough staff on hand to handle both the fabric cutting duties and they cash registers. And they had all of their cash registers staffed and there was that staff member who was directing traffic. So while there were lines and everyone had to wait their turn, I thought things were being managed well and efficiently. My compliments to this store. This time of year, handling the crowds for an “After Thanksgiving” sale is an art form.

While standing in line, waiting my turn to pay for my purchase, this young woman came into the store and promptly through a hissy fit. She loudly grumbled as she made her way to stand behind me in line that she “didn’t know why SHE had to wait in line to just do an exchange!” The staff person directing traffic attempted to calm her down — but she was not willing to do so. So she continued to grumble loudly while standing in line behind me. Now the line was moving fairly quickly, but there were six customers ahead of me. This unpleasant young woman was rude and obnoxious to everyone around her and seemed to think that she deserved special consideration and was not happy that the store was not willing to give it to her.

While I ignored her as much as possible — I really try not to take on another person’s bad moods — I kept thinking that this young woman was selfish and terribly self-centered. I have tried to make excuses for her — maybe she was running very late for an appointment, maybe she was super stressed out, etc. But the bottom line is, everyone standing in those lines could have been running late or been super stressed — but no one else was making a scene and behaving like a spoiled brat. Yes, I felt that she was acting like a spoiled brat who wasn’t getting her way. After I completed my purchase — she slammed her item on the counter in front of the store clerk. I felt sorry for the clerk, who had been nothing but polite to me.

If we’re honest with ourselves, we will admit that we’ve all had times when we weren’t at our best in public. I hope that young woman has a better day than she did yesterday. I know she will come in to mind for me the next time I find myself losing patience while standing in line. This time of year, with the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season upon us — please take a deep breath, find peace within yourself and act kindly to those around you.