FO: Choo Choo Hat for GS

My GS is almost two and “Choo Choo’s” are one of his most favorite things at the moment. Now he got a train table and lots of trains and things to go with it for Christmas, but this Grandma just had to knit him a hat with a choo choo train on it. My first attempt was a little too tight, so I knit another a lit bit wider and it fit perfectly.

GS wearing his Choo Choo Hat
Since two year olds are always in motion when awake, it was a challenge to get him to stand still long enough to take his picture — But I was able to get one (and only one) good picture of him wearing his new hat.

Details: Knit with Paton’s Classic Wool in Blue, Red and Black on size US 7 needles. Pattern for the train is from “Patterns for Knitted Hats by Betty Lampen.

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WIP: Colored Blocks VestWIP: Colored Blocks Vest

I am still working on the EZ Green Sweater. I have one sleeve finished and about two-thirds of the other one knit. Now usually when I am getting close to completing a project like this, I will work on it steady until I’m finished. But not so this time! I have temporarily set aside the green sweater because I simply fell in love with another pattern.

It’s the Bold Blox pattern in Issue 103 of the Knitter’s Magazine. There was just something that totally intrigued me about this vest. I am not usually someone who knits straight from the pattern in the book or magazine — but here I am, knitting way on this pattern. I did make some modifications to the colors, choosing a different combination that the original — but I did decide to use the yarn called for in the pattern.

This is another unusual choice for me — I almost always subsitute the yarn called for in the pattern with something similar but more likely to be in my stash or available locally. But this time: I took the plunge and splurged on Malabrigo Worsted in six colors. (Yep – 6.)

I finished the yoke of the vest last evening and am now starting on the body of the vest. This is knitting up quickly and boy, oh boy, do I like this yarn! It is simply scrumptious. Lovely feel, wonderful stitch definition — it has it all.

The second picture shows the front of the vest. The yoke and the first sleeve is complete. The sleeves are knit in 1 X 1 rib and form a cap-style sleeve.

The third picture is of the back. I love the color combinations! I am especially in love with the raspberry pink colorway (Geranio). {I would knit something in just this color if I found the right pattern.} But I also am very pleased with how the different colored blocks in the yoke knitted up.

Pattern: Bold Blox — available on Ravelry. See link below.
Yarn: Malabrigo Worsted – Colorways: Geranio, Cypress, Pink Frost, Pearl Ten, Emerald and Red Mahogany.
Needles: US 7 (4.5 mm) and US 8 (5.0 mm)
Gauge: 18 stitches = 4 inches.

Bold Blox Pattern on Ravelry
My Project in Ravelry

Stitch Patterns – Garter Stitch, Stockinette Stitch & Reverse Stockinette StitchStitch Patterns – Garter Stitch, Stockinette Stitch & Reverse Stockinette Stitch

I have decided to blog about various stitch patterns from time to time. So I am starting with the time honored basics: the garter stitch, the stockinette stitch and the reverse stockinette stitch.

This discussion assumes you know how to do a knit stitch and a purl stitch. If you are new to knitting and are not familiar with these two stitches, click on this link:

Garter Stitch: this stitch pattern is made by knitting every row, turning your knitting at the end of each row. (You would get the same effect if you purled every row – but most knitters prefer to knit every row). If you want to knit garter stitch “in the round”, you would knit one row and then purl one row – so most patterns using garter stitch are for flat pieces rather than circular knit pieces. The pattern produces a knitted fabric with ridges on each side that is essentially reversible – it looks very much the same on the right side as the wrong side. It takes two rows to make 1 ridge. The garter stitch is great for borders because it will not curl and lays flat once knitted. Many afghan and baby blanket patterns have a garter stitch border and it is often used as the basis for wash clothes and placemats.

Stockinette Stitch: this stitch pattern is the most commonly used knitted fabric. This stitch pattern produces a fabric with flat “V” shaped stitches on the right side and bumpy stitches on the wrong side. It is also known as flat knitting, tricot or jersey knit. Stockinette stitch consists of knitting one row, turning your work and purling one row if you are knitting a flat piece. If you are knitting in the round, you knit every row. Stockinette stitch fabric curls on the edges and at the top and bottom – it makes a good fabric for the body of a garment, but usually requires another stitch pattern for edging and or borders. It also stretches lengthwise when worn.

Reverse Stockinette Stitch: this is exactly what it sounds like – it is simply stockinette stitch fabric used with the purl side as the right side. It has all the properties of the stockinette stitch, but in addition, it will also stretch widthwise. You can see how the 3 stitches differ in the picture below:

If you look at the pictures of my teddy bear baby blanket – you will see how the teddy bear is formed by using the stockinette and reverse stockinette stitches together to form the pattern. This is a good example of how they can be combined to form textured patterning. Aran knitting patterns often combine stockinette, reverse stockinette and garter stitches as part of the textural patterning. Again, here are examples where the stitching is actually very straightforward and easy – but produces a fabric that looks complex because of the wonderful textures.

Note: For information on tension issues occurring with garter stitch, stockinette and reverse stockinette stitch, see my post on Master Knitter Level I — Swatches #1, 2 & 3.

German Twisted Cast On (a.k.a. Old Norwegian Cast on)German Twisted Cast On (a.k.a. Old Norwegian Cast on)

The German Twisted Cast On, which is also known as the Old Norwegian Cast On, is a variation of the standard Long Tail Cast on. This cast on has an extra twist in the working yarn. This makes it more elastic than the LTCO and it also uses a little more yarn.

The cast on has a nice edge that looks good on both the right and wrong sides of the fabric.  It is a very good cast on to use for cuffs, mittens, gloves, and hats.

Link to video on Twisted German Cast On.

Link to slow motion video for Twisted German Cast On.

Suzanne Bryan (Master Hand Knitter and excellent teacher) has developed a new variation for a stretchy twisted long tail cast on. Link to video: Twisted Long Tail CO in Pattern.

This post ends my series on cast ons for now. I hope my readers have found this information helpful.