I’m still here — just haven’t been blogging

I am a wee bit astonished that it has been over a year since I wrote a blog post. A Year? Really?

Yeah – really.  Life intervenes at times and changes your focus and demands your time for other things.  My apologies for my long absence in the blogosphere.

This post is just to let everyone know I getting started blogging again and promise to do so more often than once a year…. 🙂

I am in the process of changing the theme for this website.  The current theme is one I created as a learning project so that I could understand how WordPress themes work.  This theme has served me well for a number of years, but there are lots of coding and technical changes that I simply don’t have time to study up on and recode my theme — so I am moving to one that is produced by the pros.  I hope to have the changes made in the next couple of weeks and then I will start posting about knitting, crocheting and lace…

I have gone through and checked the links on my References page and removed the ones that are no longer functioning.  I also removed a couple because when I went to the site, I found that the site had become over-run by ads.  Now, ads are okay if you want to allow them on your website — but when the ads take up more space on your home page than your actual home page content — it’s gone to far. (MHO) I removed another because the owner had converted it to a paid subscription site.   Anyway — those updates have been published, so the references are now current.

Off to work on other updates to this website.  Please check back in a few days.