Month: August 2021

German Twisted Cast On (a.k.a. Old Norwegian Cast on)German Twisted Cast On (a.k.a. Old Norwegian Cast on)

The German Twisted Cast On, which is also known as the Old Norwegian Cast On, is a variation of the standard Long Tail Cast on. This cast on has an extra twist in the working yarn. This makes it more elastic than the LTCO and it also uses a little more yarn.

The cast on has a nice edge that looks good on both the right and wrong sides of the fabric.  It is a very good cast on to use for cuffs, mittens, gloves, and hats.

Link to video on Twisted German Cast On.

Link to slow motion video for Twisted German Cast On.

Suzanne Bryan (Master Hand Knitter and excellent teacher) has developed a new variation for a stretchy twisted long tail cast on. Link to video: Twisted Long Tail CO in Pattern.

This post ends my series on cast ons for now. I hope my readers have found this information helpful.