Month: October 2023

It’s October — Breast Cancer Awareness MonthIt’s October — Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As a 13-year survivor of breast cancer, I make a point of promoting Breast Cancer Awareness. I was about 18 months overdue for my annual mammogram when I went in and had it done. To my great surprise, I had a small lump in my right breast and that started me on my journey as a woman with breast cancer. If you are reading this and are a female age 40 or more — please get your annual mammogram this month. If you are a male who has women in your life — ask them to get their mammogram if they haven’t done so. Early detection increases the chance of survival in breast cancer.

I designed a pattern for a Turban Style Hat that is knitted using a soft yarn specifically for women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. If you are a knitter and know someone who is dealing with breast cancer, please feel free to download the pattern.